Unmask My City
A global air pollution and health project using data-visualising LED light masks as the key visual communications tool.

Light mapping Radiation
For the 5th anniversary of Fukushima and the 30th anniversary of Chernobyl, I worked with Greenpeace to develop a method to make environmental radiation visible with light painting. I then used this to map populated (or soon to be populated again) areas of Fukushima and Chernobyl-impacted Russia.

Nuclear South Korea
In 2012, following the Fukushima nuclear disaster and under increasing criticism from Greenpeace for rapidly expanding its nuclear programme, the South Korean Government undertook a crackdown against the environmental organisation.

Soon after the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdowns in Japan, I began what would be two years work with Greenpeace on its Fukushima nuclear response.

Whaling on trial
Following the exposure of a whale meat embezzlement scandal in Japan by Greenpeace activists in 2008, I was brought in to support communications work around the court case the Japanese government subsequently brought against activists Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki.